

NextBus is an Android application that lets user add Vancouver bus stops to a list of favourite stops and plot the location of a selected stop and use live bus information from Translink to plot bus locations serving that stop. The work I do include:

  • Implemented classes to represent bus, busstop, route etc and parse live data via Translink API in JSON format
  • Extended the functionality to allow users to select their favorite bus stops and provide wait time through Translink web service, plot bus on the map, give interaction for click and zoom
  • Repository Jan-Apr, 2014

    VanStreet Food

    VanStreetFood is a web application that created under Django framework to display locations of food vendors in Vancouver on a map and allow users to search for food vendor according to different filter. The work I do include:

  • Integrate the social network Facebook with our application that enables successful login to our website via Facebook account
  • Write unittest to verify the functionality of the website regarding user rating, vendor searching and vendor clearing
  • Repository Demo Oct-Nov, 2014


    BikeDemandShare is a Kaggle competition that combine historical usage patterns and weather data to build model that forecasts bike rental demand. The work I do include:

  • Manipulate raw data into right format to be used in data visualization and statistical modeling
  • Use leaps package to conduct exhaustive search, backward selection, forward selection and sequential selection.
  • Transform variable based on residual plot to improve model
  • Conduct cross validation by computing cross-validated root mean squares error of prediction (cvrmse)
  • Repository Report Feb-Apr, 2015


    Animanga is a web application that provide information about anime, manga, voice actor etc. for both user and guest. The work I do include:

  • Design ER diagram and relation schema for entity set and relationship set from the point of potential users.
  • Use MySQL to build locally host database that let admin store, delete and update information about anime, manga etc.
  • Write SQL queries that cover selection, projection, join, division, aggregation, nested aggregation with groupby, deletion and update commands
  • Embed the SQL queries in PHP code that connect with our database to let users interact with the data
  • Repository May-Jun, 2015

    Chinese Painting style transfer

    Have you always wonder how will a natural image will be look like if being painted by Chinese artists like Daqian Zhang or Baishi Qi? In this project, we applied CycleGAN and our proposed CycleWGAN and improved CycleWGAN to train hundreds of self-parses images to see the effect of style transfer.

    Repository Report Jan-Apr, 2018