Graph1: Employed person number by sex in STEM fields(flash player required)

Data source: United States Bureau of Labor Statistics

Graph 2: Number and percentage of female engineers in IT companies

(The size of the bubble is porprotion to the total engineers of the company)

Data source: Tracy Chou's public google spreadsheet

Graph 3:Degrees in computer and information sciences conferred by postsecondary institutions, by level of degree and sex of student

Data source: National Center for Educational Statistics

Fun fact about the graph: if you select time as the x-axes and Bachelor as the y-axes and color, and also select Female, Male and trails and press the play button (the triangle on the buttom left), you could see there is a climb of number of degrees earned from 1997-2003. This actually corresponds to the Dot Com Bubble Isn't it fun that statistics could link technology and economic together?

More coming soon~